What is Bad Door Syndrome?

Bad Door Syndrome is a design problem that afflicts floor plans all over the world. It is one of the most common mistakes that I see and it is also one of the problems that is the simplest to fix. The trick is learning the secrets of how to eliminate Bad Door Syndrome.

Bad Door Syndrome occurs when doors crash into each other, when door swings overlap, when doors block other functions, when furniture placement is restricted in a room or the doors just do not make intuitive or functional sense from the user's point of view.

Badly designed doors drive people crazy everyday.

Badly designed doors reduce property value.

Badly designed doors can make an otherwise good plan appear like it was made by amateurs.

It's time for you to learn the Plan Attack® Secrets to eliminating Bad Door Syndrome from all your floor plans. Watch the introduction video and then download the workbook to get started.

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