What are Jiggy Joggy Walls?

Jiggy Joggy Walls is a design problem that afflicts floor plans all over the world. It makes the layouts seem disorganized and unresolved. It results in wasted space and oddly shaped rooms. But with a bit of instruction and some practice, you can learn to identify and then fix this problem. The trick is learning the secrets of how to eliminate Jiggy Joggy Walls.

Jiggy Joggy Walls occur when the designer or architect introduces diagonal and/or jagged walls into an otherwise orthogonal floor plan. There is a false belief that diagonal or jagged walls improve the circulation flow and create more resolved spaces. In actual fact, they often cause damaging design problems that lower property values.

Jiggy Joggy Walls drive people crazy everyday.

Jiggy Joggy Walls reduce functionality and waste space.

Jiggy Joggy Walls can make an otherwise good plan appear like it was made by amateurs.

It's time for you to learn the Plan Attack® Secrets to eliminating Jiggy Joggy Walls from all your floor plans. Watch the introduction video and then download the workbook to get started.

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